Monday, January 13, 2014

Proposed bylaw changes to be voted on February 10, 2014

Below please find the proposed changes to our present bylaws, to be voted on by dues paying members at our next meeting, February 10th. 

There are 4 proposed amendments which would:
1. create term limits (no more than 3 consecutive)
2. change board terms to 4 years rather than 2 years
3. clarify roles for VP & Secretary (note that what the clarification is not intended as job descriptions. Those should be listed in a more detailed & separate document.)
4. Change the timeline for elections so they happen in April instead of December.

Proposals to Amend Bylaws

Article and Title

Currently Reads As: N/A

Proposed Amendment: Add a new section to Article IV, “The Board of Directors shall serve no more than three consecutive terms.”

Rationale: Require term limits for elected Board members.

Article and Title

Currently Reads As: “The Vice President will be responsible for providing communication within the group and for planning programs for the general meetings.
The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes during Board Meetings and maintaining the written record for the Humanists of Rhode Island.”

Proposed Amendment: Change text to “The Vice President will be responsible for assuming the duties of the President in his or her absence, facilitating election of officers, recruiting new members, and serving as Parliamentarian.
The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes during Board Meetings, providing communication within the group and maintaining the written record for the Humanists of Rhode Island.
Rationale: Clarify roles and responsibilities of elected Board members.

Article and Title: Article VI. ELECTIONS
Currently Reads As: “Board member positions will be elected for two (2) year terms. Officers will serve in their positions for one (1) year. The other year of their two (2) year term may be served as a member-at-large, another officer position, or the same officer position.

Proposed Amendment: “Board member positions will be elected for four (4) year terms. Officers will serve in their positions for two (2) years. The remaining two (2) years of their four (4) year term may be served as a member-at-large, another officer position, or the same officer position.”
Rationale: To extend Board terms to four (4) years.

Article and Title: Article VI. ELECTIONS
Currently Reads As: “A nominating committee consisting of three voting members, at least one of whom will be a prior or current officer, will be appointed by the President in October and approved by the Board. The committee will nominate voting members for open Board vacancies. The committee will nominate at least as many voting members as there are open Board positions, but may nominate as many candidates as they choose. The nominations will be posted on the Humanists of Rhode Island website or emailed to all voting members no later than November 30th. Elections will be held during the regular business meeting in December, with additional nominations from any voting member present being allowed. Voting members not able to attend the December meeting may vote for candidates for the Board or make additional nominations via email or mail to the Humanists of Rhode Island Secretary, such correspondence to be received no later than midnight on the Friday prior to the December meeting. All nominated members must agree to serve on the Board prior to elections taking place. The top candidates, in order of most votes won, will fill open positions until all Board vacancies are filled. The new Board (newly elected Board members plus any Board members starting the second year of their term) will meet at this same December meeting and will conduct a second vote amongst themselves to determine who will assume officer positions. The remaining Board members will be considered Members-at-large. The new Board members will assume full duties of those positions beginning January 1st of the year following the elections.

Proposed Amendment: Change text to “ A nominating committee consisting of three voting members, at least one of whom will be a prior or current officer, will be appointed by the President in February and approved by the Board. The committee will nominate voting members for open Board vacancies. The committee will nominate at least as many voting members as there are open Board positions, but may nominate as many candidates as they choose. The nominations will be posted on the Humanists of Rhode Island website or emailed to all voting members no later than March 31st. Elections will be held during the regular business meeting in April, with additional nominations from any voting member present being allowed. Voting members not able to attend the April meeting may vote for candidates for the Board or make additional nominations via email or mail to the Humanists of Rhode Island Secretary, such correspondence to be received no later than midnight on the Friday prior to the April meeting. All nominated members must agree to serve on the Board prior to elections taking place. The top candidates, in order of most votes won, will fill open positions until all Board vacancies are filled. The new Board (newly elected Board members plus any Board members starting the second year of their term) will meet at this same April meeting and will conduct a second vote amongst themselves to determine who will assume officer positions. The remaining Board members will be considered Members-at-large. The new Board members will assume full duties of those positions beginning May 1st.

Rationale: To make the timeframe for nominations and elections consistent with the initial establishment of the Humanists of Rhode Island, with elections taking place in April.

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